"These are the Waitomo glow caves in New Zealand," in Hungarian

In English
These are the Waitomo glow caves in New Zealand, and they're named for the glowworms that inhabit them, Arachnocampa luminosa. The glowworms are endemic to New Zealand, and are around the size of an average mosquito. The walls of the caves are covered with a mushroom like fungi related to the genus Pleurotus. Albino cave ants and weta (giant crickets) also inhabit this cave system.
In Hungarian
New Zélandon vannak a Waitomo barlangok, amelyeket az ott élő szentjánosbogarakról neveztek el, az Arachnocampa luminosa-ról. A szentjánosbogarak őshonosak Új-Zélandon, és körülbelül szúnyog nagyságúak. A barlangok falát egy gombafajta lepi el a Pleurotus nemzetség környékéről. Albínó hangyák és weták ( óriási tücskök) szintén laknak a barlangrendszerben.