"Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing I've been" in Hungarian

In English

Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing

I've been caught stealing
Once when I was 5
I enjoy stealing
It's just as simple as that
Well, it's just a simple fact
When I want something,
I don't want to pay for it
I walk right through the door
Walk right through the door
Hey all right!
If I get by, it's mine
Mine all mine!

My girl, she's one too
She'll go and get her a shirt
Stick it under her skirt
She grabbed a razor for me
And she did it just like that
When she wants something, she don't want to pay for it
She walk right through the door
Walk right through the door
Hey all right!
If I get by, it's mine
Mine all mine!

We sat around the pile
We sat and laughed
We sat and laughed and waved it into the air!
And we did it just like that
When we want something, we don't want to pay for it
We walk right through the door
Walk right through the door
Hey, all right!
If I get by, it's mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.

In Hungarian

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Editor of this translation: gribedli

Created: 2019-01-22

Last modified: 2019-01-22


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