"axe" in Hungarian
In English
This translation used here
- My axe It has unlimited ammo.
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
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Editor of this translation: gribedli
Created: 2012-02-18
Last modified: 2012-02-18