"car" in Hungarian

This translation used here
- Here is a car. It is fast.
- Maybe I should have worded it differently Free car
- A developed country is not a place where the poor
- New seatbelt design: 45% less car accidents
- Unspoken communication Girls Check out hair
- that car
- Who is your real friend ? This really works ...!
- If landing an SUV on Mars wasn't cool enough, here
- Luke! I am your car !
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"
- A "A" Apple, A "A" Ant B "B" Ball, B "B" Bat C "C"